The Spirit of American Manufacturing

I asked… “SHARKS are you ready to buckle down w...

I asked them… “SHARKS are you ready to buckle down with Mack Belts” and they said… NOPE I didn’t even make it past the first round of auditions!What was my plan?...

I asked… “SHARKS are you ready to buckle down w...

I asked them… “SHARKS are you ready to buckle down with Mack Belts” and they said… NOPE I didn’t even make it past the first round of auditions!What was my plan?...

The greatest FAVOR anyone ever did for ME…. was tell me, “I CANT”

The greatest FAVOR anyone ever did for ME…. was...

"If you don't have a business plan, you don't have a real business you should quit f**** around and get a real job... " That is what I was told...

The greatest FAVOR anyone ever did for ME…. was...

"If you don't have a business plan, you don't have a real business you should quit f**** around and get a real job... " That is what I was told...

Set your goals so HIGH that people LAUGH... Then Keep Hammering

Set your goals so HIGH that people LAUGH... The...

  Looking at this photo above. I can understand why people thought my "arts and crafts project" was dumb and I needed to get a REAL JOB.... But this was...

Set your goals so HIGH that people LAUGH... The...

  Looking at this photo above. I can understand why people thought my "arts and crafts project" was dumb and I needed to get a REAL JOB.... But this was...

The Most Unstoppable Force...

Years ago I once clamped my single-stitch sewing machine to the countertop of an Airbnb… and I got to work Then I thought I really had it made when I...

The Most Unstoppable Force...

Years ago I once clamped my single-stitch sewing machine to the countertop of an Airbnb… and I got to work Then I thought I really had it made when I...

I couldn't find a job after the SEAL teams... Now I have a building with my name on it!

I couldn't find a job after the SEAL teams... N...

I couldn't find a job after the SEAL teams so I started repurposing old $1 belts from thrift stores into dog collars. Now I have a building with my name...

I couldn't find a job after the SEAL teams... N...

I couldn't find a job after the SEAL teams so I started repurposing old $1 belts from thrift stores into dog collars. Now I have a building with my name...

YOU are all you NEED...

YOU are all you NEED...

I identified a problem and I found a way to build something tougher, more dangerous, and more patriotic, the end result was the toughest belt in the world and a...

YOU are all you NEED...

I identified a problem and I found a way to build something tougher, more dangerous, and more patriotic, the end result was the toughest belt in the world and a...