The Man Behind The Toughest Belt Company on Earth

The Man Behind The Toughest Belt Company on Earth

My Name is Mack. I'm a small business owner. I've made 3500 belts with my bare hands in the last year and a half. Yep, that's right I don't have a SINGLE employee....

I've been fueled by my PAIN, PAST, and ANGER and it drove me to WORK like a MADMAN because outside of this company I felt like I had nothing to OFFER the world anymore.

if you have purchased a belt from Mack Belts or were sent one. I made it and it will FOREVER be a part of what helped me KEEP GOING and I will ALWAYS be thankful to YOU.

I always tried to make it seem like we were bigger than we are. But it's JUST ME.

This photo is more than you know. One year ago I stood in this same spot BROKE, BROKEN, and looking for a REASON to keep GOING. My identity was in my SERVICE and a CAREER that ended too soon. My LIFE from finances to physical health and by every other measurable standard was a WRECK.

But I had a VISION and found a SKILL SET that stopped my MIND from eating itself ALIVE. So I went ALL in on something I believed in.

I knew in my HEART I could build something and I wanted the PRODUCT, BRAND, and WORK to speak for itself.

Here I stand in the same spot as a successful American Entrepreneur, but most importantly a VETERAN who clawed through the darkness took the RISK, and ultimately defied the STATISTICS. #neveroutofthefight

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